SIM Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded each year to support participants in Systems in Ministry programs at the Family Systems Institute.

Application for:

  • 70% SIM Scholarship: Certificate in Family Systems Theory & Application enrolment fees
  • 50% SIM Scholarship: Family of Origin Research Group enrolment fees

Please complete the application form and email it to

Successful applicants will be notified by email with next steps, and all other applicants notified of the outcome.

This scholarship is made possible by the donation of book sale proceeds from Bowen Family Systems Theory in Christian Ministry: Grappling with theory and its application through a biblical lens. Please note that only one scholarship is awarded for each category for each year. Recipients are decided by the Systems in Ministry faculty, FSI Executive Director and the scholarship benefactor. The application criteria on the application form reflect the priorities for the scholarship, and priority will be given to those with financial hardship who have demonstrated ongoing commitment to family systems theory being applied in ministry contexts.

Please contact the Family Systems Institute for any questions.

Have questions? Enquire now

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    • Enquiry